HEALTHCARE Engineering Alliance Society
Healthcare problem, Engineering solution;
Engineering breakthrough, Healthcare advancement.
Healthcare Engineering Alliance Society (HEALS) is a global, non-profit organization focusing on improving and advancing all aspects of Healthcare through Engineering approaches.
Healthcare Engineering covers Engineering involved in all aspects of Healthcare (see details). The two major areas of Healthcare Engineering are Engineering for Healthcare Intervention and Engineering for Healthcare Systems. See topics and Synergy of Engineering and Health Sciences.
By forging an alliance of Engineering organizations, Healthcare organizations, and Healthcare industry, we serve as a force (a) to bridge the gaps between Healthcare and Engineering, (b) to provide a vehicle for the exchange of advanced knowledge, emerging technologies and innovative ideas among Healthcare professionals, engineers, researchers, managers and consultants in industry, academia, and government, (c) to prepare engineers and students for jobs in Healthcare, and (d) to serve engineers working in Healthcare around the world. See our Vision, Mission, and Goals and Services.
Qualified volunteers are invited to participate in all aspects of HEALS society affairs including cerification and continuing education curricula development, conference and event organization, committee service, etc. If you are interested in participating or have any suggestion, please contact us.
New technique could lead to long-lasting localized stimulation of brain tissue without external connections. Researchers at MIT have developed a method to stimulate brain tissue using external magnetic fields and injected magnetic nanoparticles — a technique allowing direct stimulation of neurons, which could be an effective treatment for a variety of neurological diseases, without the need for implants or external connections. More...
Tiny robotic hands could improve cancer diagnostics, drug delivery
Many people imagine robots today as clunky, metal versions of humans, but scientists are forging new territory in the field of ‘soft robotics.’ One of the latest advances is a flexible, microscopic hand-like gripper. The development could help doctors perform remotely guided surgical procedures or perform biopsies. The materials also could someday deliver therapeutic drugs to hard-to-reach places. More...
Computer model of blood development could speed up search for new leukaemia drugs
The first comprehensive computer model to simulate the development of blood cells could help in the development of new treatments for leukaemia and lymphoma, say researchers at the University of Cambridge and Microsoft Research. More...
Additive manufacturing could greatly improve diabetes management
Engineers at Oregon State University have used “additive manufacturing” to create an improved type of glucose sensor for patients with Type 1 diabetes, part of a system that should work better, cost less and be more comfortable for the patient. More...
Time-saving tech: GE Healthcare focuses on improved workflow
Long wait times, disorganized data, slow results and anxiety before a procedure. Often, these pain points muddle the healthcare process for clinicians and patients. GE Healthcare has unveiled new technologies to address these issues – enabling more accurate patient data sharing and diagnosis; enhancing workflow and productivity for the clinician; and making the patient experience faster and more comfortable. More...
Necklace and smartphone app developed at UCLA can help people track food intake
A sophisticated necklace developed by researchers at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science can monitor food and drink intake, which could help wearers track and improve their dietary habits.
The inventors of the WearSens device say it could help battle obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other problems related to nutrition. More...
Medtronic to Initiate Clinical Study of Drug-Filled Stent Following Successful Preclinical Results
Advancing its interventional coronary portfolio with breakthrough engineering concepts in device design and technology, Medtronic plc unveiled the preclinical outcomes of its novel Drug-Filled Stent (DFS) at the 64th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology (ACC). More...
Recent Device Approvals: VenaSeal Closure System
The FDA has recently approved the VenaSeal Closure System to be marketed. The VenaSeal Closure System (VenaSeal System) is intended to permanently treat varicose veins of the legs that cause symptoms by sealing the affected veins that are closest to the skin (superficial varicose veins) with a cyanoacrylate-based adhesive. The VenaSeal System also consists of a catheter, guidewire, dispenser gun, dispenser tips, and syringes. More...
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- Inspiring engineering minds to advance human health